It’s going to be a different kind of summer.

The kind of summer where we get back into the groove of feeling great. 

Fearless Summer Camp is your opportunity to join Inner Life Coach, Kate Carter, and other strong women from across the U.S. for an eight-week virtual summer camp designed to help us all become more fearless in our personal and professional lives.  

What does “fearless” mean? It means we break free from the subconscious fears that foster limiting beliefs and self-sabotage and step more into our authentic selves. What do we experience when we live authentically? Fun, joy, confidence, inner alignment, peace, energy and more!

You’ll walk away with new skills and techniques to become more fearless AND you’ll have a community behind you, every step of the way. 

What would be possible for you if you… 

  • Felt happier and more at peace in your daily life?

  • Laughed more every day?

  • Felt more energized and confident?

  • Overall, just found a lot more fun and satisfaction in life?


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    Together, we explore BOTH our individual and collective presence, power, self-talk, habits, and more. You will gain access to expert-led exercises and concepts designed to: 


    Cultivate your ability to live more in the present and own your power so that you put yourself in the driver seat of your life.


    Develop your hidden superpower of self-compassion so you can be more lighthearted and joyful.


    Let go of negative self-talk that never lets you have peace of mind so you can know down to a cellular level that you are enough.


    Learn how fear can keep you stuck in patterns of self-sabotage so that you can free yourself to live more fully.


    What is the schedule/time commitment?

    We will meet on Tuesdays at 2:30 CST in July and August for 60-90 minutes.

    Two 1:1 (45 min)Sessions with Kate Cater — one the first week and one the last week of #SummerCamp.

    What is all included?

    • Expert facilitation and guidance from Kate

    • Weekly accountability and support from Kate and from your fellow Campers

    • A safe, warm, welcoming environment

    • and so much more

    Is it possible to do a payment plan?

    • Yes, email Kate through the “Contact Me” link at the top of this page to talk about payment plan options.

    Embrace a summer of adventure & self-discovery.